Wednesday, May 21, 2014

GABS 2013 - wondering where the notes went 12 months on

Approximately 12 months ago i let it be known that i was heading to GABS 2013 to follow up on the awesome work achieved and sensational beers drunk at GABS 2012.  I promised a thorough review and some more sparkling notes and biting, sassy beer reviews and this is what happened...

Day 1 - a sensational day was had and many an amusing note was written, but sadly after kicking off at midnight, following it up with a pub in the city, some beers at the footy, we then ended up at the bar formerly known as the Comfy Chair for some night cap drinks.  Alas, this is the last known location of my GABS guide from the days events and all those brilliant insights were lost to the ages and a pall fell across my mood, with the one caveat - there was still tomorrow, still a chance to make amends, still a chance to wonder why i wrote that about a certain random beer...

Day 2 - another sensational day was had, despite a slow start due to the lingering ill-effects of the previous sensational day.  Day 2 was primed for making amends and the comments were more biting, more witty, more verbose in describing not just the taste, but the grander spirit of the beer.  Alas, these were lost shortly after leaving the grand old lady that is the Royal Exhibition Building and once more these nuggets of life, love, beer and numberwang were lost for the ages.

Tomorrow, i'm returning to the scene of the last two events for GABS 2014.  This year i'm not making any bold proclamations, nor any seemingly innocuous promises that i will be unable to keep.  But i will endeavour to enjoy the event and record my thoughts both on the beers and the occasion via short rambling sentences and hoping that the records are not lost.  Wish me luck.

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